Minggu, 04 Desember 2011

Learning the Float Serve

Submitted By: Hayley Merrett

One of the most important skills you can develop as a volleyball player is the float serve. A ball that is it with a float serve will actually float on the air as opposed to just being shot forward. This type of serve is important for several reasons. A ball that floats can be hard to track; it can be difficult to decide exactly where the ball is going to land. Because of this, the defenders have to be on their toes to ensure they are ready to move as the ball comes to them. Another importance of the float serve is the fact that the wind can catch and direct a floating ball, making it drop in a seemingly random place. The float can also be difficult to hit back due to its lack of spin.
Theory of the Float Serve:
Any ball hit over the net floats in its own way, right? The thing to understand about a float serve is that the ball has no spin on it. Removing the spin from a ball allows more air to affect the course of the ball from all directions. This gives it the ability to be affected by updrafts and wind currents with less resistance. Picture a bouncing ball without any spin rebounding off of a wall. That rebound will be more likely to follow an exact opposite path from the direction it hit the wall. When the same ball is hit at a wall while it is spinning, the ball has a tendency to bounce back at a completely different angle, often losing some of its speed in the process. Knowing the theory of the float serve should help to understand what you are trying to accomplish when serving.
Technique of the Float Serve:
The actual physical mechanics of serving a floating ball can be fairly easy to master. The method described here is for a right-handed server, but can be reversed for left-handers. When serving, you want to stand about a foot behind the endline, with your left foot in front, pointing straight ahead and your right foot turned almost sideways holding your weight. Facing forward should give your body about a 45 degree angle at the waist. Hold the ball ahead of you in your left hand, about waist level. Your right hand should be pointing upwards behind your head, slightly bent. Toss the ball a little over your head, slightly in front of you. Shift your weight to your left foot and hit the back of the ball with the flat of your palm. You should only be following through about halfway.
Tips of the Float Serve:
Once you have the mechanics down, it is time to perfect the technique. When holding the ball, you want to hold it so the air hole is in the center of your palm. The air hole is the heaviest part of the ball and will be affected the most by gravity. If it is facing down, the ball won’t spin when the air hole is pulled down. You also want to ensure that you hit the ball right in the center, with only your palm. Using your fingers or hitting it anywhere except the center of the ball will put more pressure on one side, thus causing spin. When shifting your weight forward, drag your back leg along the path of the hit. This helps guide your body in the straight line it needs to hit the ball correctly.
With some good practice, you will find it relatively easy to hit a float serve. This will create a ball that can be difficult to return, thereby creating an opening for a point without even having the ball hit back over the net. The perfect float serve can mean the difference between a good player and a great player.

Sabtu, 03 Desember 2011

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Jumat, 02 Desember 2011

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Sabtu, 26 November 2011

Canadiens Early Season Struggles

Submitted By: Benjamin Twain

Inconsistency has reared its ugly head once again. After a shutout loss to the lowly New Jersey Devils and sub-par Columbus Blue Jackets, the Canadiens seemed to have finally hit a snag losing 3 of their last 4 games.
So what are the issues? Is it the inconsistency, which seems to have manifested itself in the bodies of the Canadiens? What exactly has made this team tick, in both a good way and bad way? One of the headline issues right now is the infamous second line, which makes those devoted to the religion of hockey cross themselves. At this point only one saying applies: You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make it drink. It doesn't matter who plays with Gionta and Gomez, or what punishments either of them take. It doesn't even matter how the team is doing. Right now, only two people can decide when Gomez and Gionta really get started. And those two people are, believe it or not, Gomez and Gionta.
Unfortunately, Jacques Martin's attempted force-drinking of the line has caused disruptions to the whole team's chemistry. That means it is still very difficult for the likes of Lapierre and Halpern to really get very much started with a line for themselves. So right now, messing with the team lineups isn't doing the team any favors.
If you build it, they will come. Aside from a baseball diamond, this famous quote can apply to the Canadiens powerplay. While it continues to come up short, it has, however, been effective in changing momentum. If only it changed momentum in a good way and not a bad one. However, powerplay quarterback Andrei Markov is back, which means that now the Canadiens can work on a more permanent powerplay unit, the real one, if you will. The players just need to focus on doing everything right. If they build a strong, fundamentally sound powerplay that creates chances then the goals will come.
Usually, at this point, goaltending is a huge question mark. Luckily, thanks to Carey Price, the only question mark about it is how much Carey can do with no defensive help.
Carey's defense has some decisions to make. Frankly, the entire personality of the defense has been unclear. They have been passive, then really aggressive, then plain stupid, and then simply weak at times, and it changes even mid-period. It really is impossible to criticize or compliment something that is this wildly inconsistent, not to mention irritating. Once the defense makes a decision, the constructive(or destructive as the case may be) criticism may begin.
And now for the fans. Ah yes, the lovely Canadiens fans. Well, I was going to write something insightful here, but then I realized that running and screaming is probably a better idea.
Overall, my view on the rest of the Canadiens season goes like this: Very. Careful. Optimism. We know what this team is capable of, now lets see what they aren't capable of.
Published At: Isnare.com

Jumat, 25 November 2011

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Rabu, 23 November 2011

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Senin, 21 November 2011

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